Incidents & Accidents: A Print Invitational Exhibition

Constellation Studios presents an eclectic and beautiful collection of prints by nationally recognized artists who...


Annual LPG Print Sale

Support emerging artists!  See what is new and hot off the presses! Featuring: etchings, woodcuts,...

Interesting Patterns!

A winter Saturday brought clear skies and folks for the Patterned Papers Workshop.    Lots of...

Blue Moment Exhibition

A new winter exhibition features the color blue used in the prints of Karen Kunc,...


Studio accomplishments – big prints & great sounds

It feels great to have completed the editioning for Nancy Friedemann’s dramatic large, detailed woodcut,...

Recital with Jared Hiscock, November 20, 7:30pm

“Songs of Samuel Barber (1910-1981)” will be performed by baritone Jared Hiscock, a doctoral student...

Fresh Prints Constellation Studios Publications

Announcing the release of new prints by Nancy Friedemann, Kim Ried Kuhn, and Karen Kunc.  ...

New WallWorks artist Jeremy Johnson

Lincoln artist Jeremy Johnson has executed his largest painting ever, and probably his first outdoor...

Fall Activities – visiting artists and workshop

Papermaker Helen Hiebert was here for a watermarking workshop with UNL students in the papermaking...

Expansive in impact – Grand Scale prints

The large-scale prints of artist Karen Kunc are exhibited together for the first time in...

Great summer workshops – Thank you!

I have enjoyed great teaching in workshops here at Constellation Studios and in my summer...


Print Publication with Kim Reid Kuhn

Constellation Studios Publications venture brought Visiting Artist Kim Reid Kuhn to the studio for some...