Artists in Residence Kazuko and Kaoru

Two artists from Tokyo Japan have been in residence here during November.   Kazuko Araki and...

Artist in Residence Jenene Nagy

Jenene Nagy spent an intense week of carving thin lines onto woodblocks and printing onto...

Artist in Residence Ayaka Nakamura

Artist in Residence Aya Nakamura has been in the studio throughout November, working on a ...

Artists in Residence Marnix Everart & Veronique Van Remoortel

Marnix & Veronique came from Ghent, Belgium for a two week residency at Constellation Studios.  ...

Sarah Turner, Artist in Residence

Sarah Turner, an artist from Detroit, was in residence at Constellation Studios for two weeks...

Artist in Residence Shiho Saito

Shiho, from Tokyo, Japan, spent the month of November at Constellation Studios, and worked well...

Lining: Shealthing Residency In Process

Denise Bookwalter and Lee Emma Running have been working for two weeks to realize the...

Great Artists in Residence this fall!

Here are some highlights of the Artists in Residence this fall 2015! Kathy Puzey, Logan,...

Artist in Residence Shubho Saha

Shubho Saha, from Dhaka, Bangladesh, spent a week residency at Constellation Studios, where he printed...


Mass Migrations Print Action Shots!

Printing Mass Migrations was lively, with many hands helping Rachel Simmons create her installation.  Her...

Artists in Residence

It has been great to host Artists in Residence this winter.    In February, Annaday Hiser...

Fall Activities – visiting artists and workshop

Papermaker Helen Hiebert was here for a watermarking workshop with UNL students in the papermaking...